I am delighted that Birmingham Progressive Synagogue has decided to mark my retirement by establishing a fund which will enable adults and children to deepen their experience of Judaism.
As a rabbi I am passionate about Jewish learning, both for its own sake and as a key to leading a fuller Jewish life. I have gained enormous satisfaction from teaching young and old and learning from them as I teach. This fund will enable others to continue learning after my retirement. For example:
- Our congregation has benefitted from members who have studied for an MA in Jewish education or joined the Liberal Judaism Baalei Tefillah (service leading) course. These courses have a cost and we would love to be able to help members take up these and other opportunities.
- Children from our congregation have been able to experience the joy of Jewish life at Kadimah summer camp and other LJY-Netzer youth activities and have come back excited to learn and do more. The fund would enable more children to have these experiences, which allow them to explore and engage with Judaism and strengthen their Jewish identity.
Jewish education is close to my heart and I believe it is vital to ensuring our Synagogue’s future as a centre of living Judaism. Thank you for donating generously to the fund.
The link to donate is: